Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little things in life

My morning started as usual.. rushing thru the house preparing for the rest of the day.. It was an effort to get out of bed.. started screaming from my room to wake my daughter up .. its never like this though.. anyways.. rushed out the house in gun-time hoping my daughter doesnt get a tardy slip @ school today
just had enough time to give her breakfast and the lunch money and pack myself a breakfast.. glad am having lunch with my lady friends today afternoon.. saved me the time for packing myself a lunch ..
during my drive what cheers me and my dottie up is - music and thats exactly how we bond..

ven I was almost close to work I saw a small bird flying behind a bigger one and seemed like it was chasing the bigger one.. a formidable force indeed!!! I smiled to myself.. maybe one day.. maybe!!!
speaking of birds - have u noticed - sparrows are disappearing? thats cause of extensive use of cell phones.. y dont we take a pledge of using our cell phones only ven its absolutely necessary(required).. we cant stop advancement in technology but we can definitely use common sense ..

among other things - happy about my dotties summer sandal purchases.. gladiators and converse are hot this summer and she has 3 pairs and looks really nice on her feet.. we have always debated about heels for her and I have never been comfortable to see my already tall daughter on heels.. what if she twists her ankle? but yoohoo!! to gladiator and the latest converse.. she is safe :).. now if I could only get one for MEself.. hehe!!

so far my day has been nice.. hope it stays this way till bedtime.. I am a perfectionist and a lil obssessive about it too.. LORD knows what will freak or piss me out.. until then .. stay cheerful!!

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