Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Ma Baba

My strength .. my inspiration.. my source of encouragement.. my energy..
My Dad - very lively.. always smiling.. 1 ounce of sorrows and he scoots out of there.. I cudnt believe ven tragedy hit me he cudnt talk to me for a whole month.. he cudnt look at me eye to eye.. kept running away from me.. 'my daughter is in pain'.. he was clueless how he cud handle that.. always pushed Ma to take care of it.. he is not an escapist.. just cant see anyone in pain.. his principle in life.. be positive and optimistic and life will take care of itself.. everyones a frnd be it a kid or an elderly... very witty... guess I get mine from his..
My Ma - pillar of strength.. multifaceted.. multitalented.. widespread knowledge from A - Z.. always there for me and my sis.. encouraging.. cautioning.. mix and match of barvery, talent, it wud rather be easier for me to count what she doesnt know :).. very perceptive.. a strong shoulder to lean on..

I am Blessed.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rushing thru life

Of late I get the feeling that I am running out of time.. have I taken up too much and cant handle it?? stressed out maybe.. Lord knows.. am always in a rush to finish this .. then move on to that.. I am indeed running out of time... anxious.. hmmm!!!! seems like everyone else has a long life to live but me... it cud be 'cos I lost 7 prime years of my life doing basically very little.. its hard to think back about those days .. me being a person 'always on the go'.. how cud I just sit back and watch me waste so much time.. boy!!!! I am catching up left and right.. person with relator characteristics will take me to be a heartless person... but they fail to realize my problem - 'am so rushed'.. wish I cud slow down a little at times.. I blabber.. talk in a hurry .. and leave an emotional person hurt.. although that wasnt the intention.. not many people read between the lines to capture the deeper emotions.. maybe some day soon I will get a hold of myself and help me downsize my tempo .. till then - 'gotto go'