Tuesday, March 30, 2010

jo beet gaya!

रात बीतते बीतते बीती
नींद आते आते रूठ गयी
ख्वाब बिखरे बिखरे धुंद में मिल गए
राह चलते चलते थक गयी

धुआं धुआं सा समा, नज़'रिया बदल गया

जाने अनजाने पहचान बन गए
जवानी उम्र के साथ यूँ निकली
के उसके पीछे हम ज़िन्दगी ढूँदते रह गए

Friday, March 19, 2010

The transformation

I thank my stars for allowing me to think from time to time about significant observations life has to offer. One such observation being a Woman's path from being adorned as a jewel in a crown of her man(the early fresh years) to licking the dust off his feet(the later yrs). Where doth Thou love go eventually for Thee - who knows? again coming back to the same issue of love. Is it for real? its real as long as she doesnt belong to him.. once she does, it conviniently acquires a backbench..

things surely have changed and women have made their way to the top in every sense of achievement.. but come what may, every sacrifice in a family situation is mostly expected of her. Why I am adamant about this fact? I see it everywhere.. so widespread.. many among my friends would have wanted to be a person in their own rights, with their individuality, but it got mushed in a family circle... starting from acquiring his family's name to living well within the perimeters of his family rules..

I envision a free thinking, free-spirited woman in her childhood to teenage yrs to her first few instances into adulthood.. very sweet and desirous and then slowly the tables are turned against her.. gradually the free part of her free willing life disappears into the oblivion.. gradually.. see.. I can even see its retreating footsteps, being buried beneath the sands of time..

spread your wings while u got them woman
fly to places they cant catch you
stay free stay happy and cheerful
stay charming and charismatic
make a world of your own where you rule..
and claim from this world what you deserve
spread the joy

Thursday, March 18, 2010


where do I go from here? some territories I keep away from, comes right back @ my doorstep. Tried time and again to focus on day to day scheduled life. But am reminded more often than not - missing out on somethings?? am I really missing out on something?? smooth and a cool unrippled lifestyle never did go hand in hand for me with 'this'.. I fear the minute I succumb and loose my resolve I will be thrown bac to a deluge of misery that comes with ...... .. wat do I lack? why do I traverse these untreaden path? why this test of time on me? y? so many questions unanswered.. this kaleidscope of life is actually beautiful.. just want to enjoy this moment ..

Saturday, March 13, 2010


What a day!!! listening to Guruji's recent rendition of Raag Madhukauns :
Mata Saraswati vandana in ektal. Awesome!
wish I could solely immerse myself in music
Why cant life be just as simple as this - singing, listening soleful, tuneful gayan :)
kya rageshri,kya kamod, kya yaman kalyan..wah!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ten years hence

Cant believe it has been that long. Hooked up to monitors I wondered how would my life be after she was born. All this while she tumbled around in my womb and now its time for her to emerge.. show me her sweet face.. fill me with her naive and innocent touch.. and melt me inher embrace.. Its a pleasant feeling.. hard to express. suddenly a surge of warmth of motherhood rushes thru my being. A new addition to my life who will call me 'Ma'. o ! that sweet moment of truth.. its just so fulfilling.. I reminisce with tears of joys in my eyes, her birth, as she turns ten. She came so small so helpless with big eyes searching my face for love and now she is my tall and lanky sweet sugar ball.. all I see is the warmth of innocence that still blankets her from all troubles in life... my little pie has been thru her share of tragedy @ a tender age.. hope that doesnt ever leave a scar on her.. I wish life is simple and straightforward for her and that she turns out to be a very good human being who people love to acquaint and be friends with.. I hope she achieves her niche.. I hope she circumvents all troubles and problems that ever crossed her path with courage and cheer..
Happy B'Day my sweet thing

Valentines day gift for my daughter

My ten year old:

cant believe you are ten
your birth
my best thing ever - to happen

you are the apple of my eye
and you love Hersheys cream pie

you are the light in the end of my dark tunnel
and your favorite TV show - everything on Disney Channel

Your pride - you are tall
and you are my sweetest ever - doll

You win everyone easily with your pleasant smile
I would love to linger on this thought for a while :)

There is a lot more to who you really are,
What can I say - you are my twinkling star.

Your favorite color is blue
I wrote this poem just for you.