Thursday, July 2, 2009

The distance between new and old HOME

Just got back from India - we feel excited about our trip and exclaim - 'ami deshe jachchi' - a jargon alrite!! the right expression for this wud be 'am going to India'.. yet in Bengali 'Desh' means a country u r a citizen of. Its a misnomer for many of us who are either US citizens.. or a resident of US by choice.. for me Kolkata happens to be my 'Desh' right now cause my family resides there.. but thats not exactly my hometown since I was born and brought up in Rourkela, Orissa..

anyways had a relaxing vacation back with my family..
I am sitting with a cup of tea which doesnt taste the same.. whats missing?
the thot of cooking is painful cause I know its no match to my Ma's cooking or the lady who cooks for us everyday back home..
I am missing the round table 'adda' over tea and cookies(biscuit) as simple as Marie ..
the wait every weekday for my sis to head home after work so we cud chat our heads out..
the shopping a highlight of every Kolkata homecoming event - bargaining coaxing and cajoling to bring down the prices shamelessly with the street vendors @ Gariahaat and even New Market.. the spirit.. the life.. the streetside phuchka, egg roll, the chaat, of late the onslaught of KFCs and Pizza hut with Indianised pizza and fried chicken..
its a love hate relation which coexist and is really charming..
the hot and humid weather - u cant imagine staying in the same clothes all thru the day.. yet everyone walks out the door in tiptop shape and outfit.. of course with a large hanky.. the crowd in each bus stop.. the push and shove to make it to the bus door..
the walking on the pavement in pairs of new and not so new love.. almost every 'single' human being has a love life..
as u ride the bus or taxi or auto to your destination u will notice the roads lined with buildings of all kinds.. some falling to pieces.. and some brand new stanidng proud right beside the one suffering the effects of time..
a mix and match of old and new.. for example.. theres a Grand Hotel museum - which is the old version of the brand New Grand hotel..
its amazing..
every traffic signal you will be horrified @ the host of beggars .. yet they r asking alms of people riding in mercedes, BMW, and all kinds of cool car.. this coexistance in almost equal proportion is mind boggling..
Kolkata amazes me? why? I call it my home now.. sometimes I dont know what to think of this city.. yet I feel drawn.. IT companies cropping up like mushrooms.. yet slum areas almost outnumber any other city in India..
now my new home is US though.. I came back and almost jumped back to normal life without much difficulty.. everything is so organized and running in schedule here.. heres how.. last time I went to India - I lost my baggage which showed up 2 weeks after.. while here too I lost my baggage and it showed up the next day I landed here.. I dont know what to think.. its all too confusing..
what a mess yet interesting place my vacation home is!!


Silence said...

Missing India after reading your post.... and I know exactly what you mean when you talk about the confusion...

Sharmistha said...

glad u enjoyed