Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Only son sydrome who is a genius

This is a new term - I hope some psychologist comes upon this soon before its too late. Cant go into the gory details of it. Its not a general widespread disease. its opposite of ADHD but only people who have been affected by it can understand the tremendous impact of it. We need a treatment for this soon. Cause I believe a boost in self confidence and assistance with channalizing the arrogance factor of the person effected with it into something positive instead of self contentment will help some.. But I aint a doc.. so I rest my case here.. this is for those who have been victimized by it. reach out to someone who can help. dont submit to misery. I know some cases and am shocked and alarmed.


priyankanandini said...

Really well written Rinku di!
You're really socially aware and have taken the time and effort to express it so well. well i would like to share my feelings..
Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) is a collection of psychological symptoms, often considered a subcategory of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and can be measured by a trained mental health professional..
BWS is a psychological reaction that can be expected to occur in normal people who are exposed to repeated trauma, such as family violence. It includes at least three groups of symptoms that assist the mind and body in preparing to defend against threats. Psychologists call it the "fight or flight" response

Very few individuals would become involved in a relationship they knew to be violent. Domestic violence has subtle origins. What starts out as love, courtship and concern, may turn into domination, forced adherence to rigid sex roles and obsessive jealousy. Victims are not masochists.Abusers often experience dramatic mood swings of highs and lows. They may be loving one minute, and spiteful and cruel the next. Abusers are frequently characterized by those outside the home as generous, caring, and good, and behave drastically differently in their home environment. Perpetrators of domestic violence are rarely violent to those outside of their domicile.

Sharmistha said...

Thanks for your comment. I believe victims are left with no choice rather than tolerate abuse due to their own financial instability/insecurity and social pressures. They oftentimes never tell anyone about the abuse cause of fear since noone believes them with abuser being 2 faced - one for the society one for his personal life.

Sharmistha said...

Also this is another form of obssessive compulsive disorder.. arising from the sheer fact that the perpetrator lacks self confidence and blames everything external to him to be the reason for anything that he considers his failure..