Thursday, November 29, 2007

Alls Well thats Ends well

Has been a week since I updated my blog.. I was busy :-).. about "alls well that ends well" - its figurative.. just a state of mind that you would love to be in.. we run away at the first site of trouble or problems in our life.. how many of us want to invest the time and effort to try and figure out a solution or in layman's term "fix it"? Wish we had a solutions book with a remedy for every problem in life.. how can you balance being politically correct, diplomatic, say and believe in the truth.. thats tough.. it takes mettle to do that.. do you have it in you? You want people to know that you are nice.. well at least being a virgo thats how I feel.. do not wanna hurt anyone.. yet convey to them the absolute truth.. my philosophy of "the cups half full" works only in compliment with the other.. one minute I am positive about life and the next minute my precarious nature makes me rethink.. hope I didnt miss a loophole in my judgement.. life can be complicated and it can be simple.. its solely your role in it..

So go ahead .. see what ends well for you..

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